Well it seems this year has finally got off into full swing….and that is just the weather!
In lovely Scotland we have had no less than all possible seasons in one week it feels, with everything from deep snow, lightening, rain, sunshine..you name it, we got it.
But weather aside as the one thing we all share in common in life, this past week has flown by and feeling very motivated with lots of ideas for what to achieve in the year ahead.
I’ve been carrying on working out as best as I can, taking up a Personal Trainer once a week with my sister too, and although some days are tougher than others, I am really enjoying it. I think I have found my groove in HIIT with kettle bells for strength. It makes me sweat but enjoy it when the bell goes for my session to be over. Motivation here is key as it is most days just me on my own pushing myself, but I find that having a simple App on my phone that counts down each set really helps me. Along with my music blasting in my ear as I do it.
Success – it is only day 10 of working out up to 5 times a week with HIIT, so we shall give it a few more weeks yet to see any progress really.
In terms of other thoughts, I got back into a swing of doing some basic crochet each night where time allows. It is so relaxing and I really hope I can end up with a blanket with enough time to keep practicing my granny squares. If I can do it, anyone can. Nothing better than creating things in the world, and also taking time away from the usual distractions of TV and the internet to do something more wholesome and productive. Look out for many crochet Christmas presents 2015 you poor people!
Two areas I want to learn more and put into practice this year is starting a small garden of vegetables and fruit (blueberries/Raspberries to make jam). We are all for cutting costs and being able to sustain ourselves, and we are blessed with a small garden to try and make that happen. From my research we are getting close to the time of year when you should think about putting seeds down, so that is the plan to find out more and do just that. Perhaps even this weekend we will start to do a few spots in the garden for such items to grow and get little dude to help us do it. Sounds pretty wonderful family time right there.
Second is reading more as I find when I read I learn about this world around me and others and it makes me a better person. I put together a list here of the book challenges I will do over the next 12 months, and try and really work to find some great books. I love my Kindle to read books at night before bed, so much easier than holding a big bulky book just before I close my eyes. I am excited to see what this year will open up for me in terms of learning for sure.
Do you set yourself goals for the next year along these lines? Join me over the next few months as I write about what I get up to achieve these very goals.
Love MFF xx
#mblogger #goals #fitness #fitmoma #gardening #readingchallenge