It’s been over three weeks now of the New Year, and I’m sharing a very common goal of improving myself physically to prepare for potentially a busy year ahead.
Looking back there was one day in particular that I thought I would share that really helped me put it all into prospective about why we choose to be active and healthier.
I struggle with loving things yummy… know chocolate and treats, and I am not overweight by any means but I am not what I want to be in terms of how I treat my body sometimes. With a child, sometimes you feel guilty about putting yourself first so it is easy just to forget to look after yourself. Guilt – there is a funny thing isn’t it? You feel guilty if you aren’t all you want to be but then guilty when you actually do it too. It’s very odd.
Anyway, the start of the year I committed myself to training with a Personal Trainer once a week and also doing home sessions of roughly 3 or 4 times. We are only heading towards the end of the third week, but I see a chance in my body already.
However, last Sunday night after attending a motivational talk by the fitness Guru Jillian Michaels, it also became clear you need to have a clear goal why you are improving yourself but trying to avoid as much rubbish (additives, bad fats, fake sugars, chemicals) in our diet as well. I enjoy a diet caffeinated drink and recently found that habits meant I was drinking mostly that each day with little water to balance. So last Sunday night I decided I was giving it up and only on treat days here and there for one class instead as that is what my head knows to be right.
Monday was not fun as a result. I stuck to my goal of straight up water only – but I was feeling the side affects. I was moody. I was annoyed at myself. I was stressed not having a clue what to drink at all…..crazy talk basically. I didn’t suffer headaches as I don’t believe I drink enough of caffeinated drinks in other places of like (don’t like coffee etc) to really have that affect on me.
Here is the good news though. Monday felt like a struggle BUT I have stuck to it and now nearly 7 full days later I could see that my skin looks clearer actually. I am also loving water and don’t want to choose anything else at meals etc. I am hoping to still be ok with having the odd glass on occasion, but I think I am on my way to resetting a few bad habits as small as they are.
This week I also had the chance to have my official fitness stats completed, and what better way than to see the progress I am making than to record them and view them in a few weeks time.
Here is the breakdown:
Body fat 25.13% (acceptable)
Waist:Hip Ratio 0.82 (average)
BMI 24 (healthy)
So overall they aren’t too bad, but I want to improve these three factors over the next few weeks as those are the ones that count rather than any weights or scales.
I’m ready and just hope the same courage I took this week and a few weeks ago gives me the motivation to keep going.
Be sure to keep track of how I am doing on my fitness journey by following me on Instagram & Twitter @mamafurfur
Love MFF xx
#mblogger #fitness