My fitness goal in May is a special one – I’m attempting to run the equivalent of a marathon (26 miles/42km) broken down into smaller 3-5km runs as best as I can raising money for the Accord Hospice.
We have now reached our second last week towards the challenge and things are looking on course to achieve this goal just in time. I’m not going to lie – it is pushing my body out of its comfort zone of my normal few sessions a week of cycling and weight training, and this week I finally started to feel some aches in my knees and the DOMS. However, it has been easily solved by now looking like the bionic woman as I jog past with knee supports to make the journey more comfortable – I look like a treat to the eyes!
Every week though I’m seeing changes in myself fitness wise, mentally and physically in my body – any challenge where you do something differently to your normal changes you. I’ve lost a few pounds perhaps, but my body is slowly but steadily becoming leaner and I’m enjoying the new found love I have for cycling and even milder liking running too.
My daily routine at work has changed as a result of this goal to becoming a habit I am most proud of – Every lunch time I hit the @thefitnessgrp Glasgow Gym and have built up to 10km cycle with then weights and stretching. It takes me a cool 30 mins to complete all this and with my daily job involving hours in front of a computer, this is the most sensible and rewarding way to spend my lunchtime. I truly love the feeling when I go and achieve a workout each working day at the gym. A new habit through this month that I can see easily becoming part of my regular life now.
Interestingly this week I’m going to make a bold move to up my challenge for myself here. I’m only going to count my running efforts now, and put my cycling achievements to one side. This puts me back a little towards my target of 42km this month, but if I run 3km every 2 days I will still make it in time.
Here are our stats:
Jennifer – Week 3 – 5km run + 5km run = 34km (with 26km cycling completed this month too)
Gillian – Week 3 – 10km walk + 5km run = TOTAL 35.5km
12km to go for me in the next 10 days. Things are getting exciting.
Let’s do this #marathonmay #lesleyslegacy