With a flood of personal development books out on the market, from everything from just making your bed to manifesting all the money in the world – WHERE DO YOU START?
You will know I am a devoted reader of Personal Development and Business strategy books, and struggle to read fiction if I’m being honest, and it is with that love of books that I have decided to start doing a monthly Book Haul review for you on the blog and over on my Youtube Channel.
// Why read Non-fiction?
Personal Development, working on ourselves in our spare time, is a life changing habit.
You can read all about how you can start your own Personal Development journey here of course.
Each month I also have a Mamafurfur Book Club where I share my personal favourite book of the month ahead, that I have read and loved and you can find this month’s book over here.
Be sure to go check the latest book club selection out, you will love it!
// Give yourself 15 minutes to change your mindset
I commit to at least 15 minutes a day or listening to an Audiobook or reading, and truly has changed my life.
If you are not a great reader, I love Audible to be able to pick up great books on the go and turn that car journey into an education experience.
Audible offer between 1 and 3 months free trial (1-3 free books!) depending on if you are a Prime member or not, so the perfect excuse to give audiobooks a go.
You can start your trial through this link, which is an affiliate link below, but I believe in this product so much I wouldn’t recommend it otherwise.
// Books I loved this month
Head Start: Build a resilient mindset so you can achieve your goals by Ian Price
We all aspire to succeed in work and life. According to Abraham Maslow, once our basic needs such as food and shelter are taken care of, we want to fulfill our potential, to be the best possible version of ourselves.
Using the tools offered in this book will help you, like an elite athlete, build your own mental toughness personal development programme and enable you to get ready and persist towards achieving your goals, whatever life throws at you.
I really liked this book, although nothing new under the sun shared with it.
The Bullet Journal Method: Track Your Past, Order Your Present, Plan Your Future by Ryder Carroll
The creator of the Bullet Journal finally produces a book that will lead you perfectly from beginner to expert into the concept of logging and recording your plans and notes each day and month ahead.
I’ve been using a Bullet Journal for the past few months myself, and find it a create tool to shape and fine tune each day and the priority I will action against towards my goals.
I particularly enjoyed the easy and simple layout of the book, guiding you through the process of creating your own bullet journal layout from start to finish.
A wonderful book to pick up and use as a reference as your journey into planning deepens.
Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley
With her special blend of housecleaning tips, humor, and musings about daily life, Marla Cilley, a.k.a. The FlyLady, shows you how to manage clutter and chaos and get your home–and your life–in order.
Drawn from the lessons and tools used in her popular mentoring program, the FlyLady system helps you create doable housekeeping routines and break down overwhelming chores into manageable missions that will restore peace to your home.
Recently in the UK there has been a surge of cleaning motivation products, guides and explanations – and by far this is my favourite one from many years before.
A lovely book that will help you organise and shape the basics of keeping your home that you love well looked after, with minimum effort and time.
Fit for Life by Harvey Diamond
All diets work and all diets fail, but here at last is hope for anyone who wants to achieve – and maintain – permanent weight loss.
The secret to this book and to it’s success plays on the basis of feeding your body better foods that will improve your energy and well-being rather than reaching for the junk food.
Although this book was created in the late 1980s/90s – the basis rules it applies that are very similar to Keto and Slow-Carb diets very much ring true and are supported well in the health industry.
I found this book through my own search to increase my energy levels each day, and with the timeless knowledge of drinking well and as pure as you can, looking after and being mindful of food choices – the advice although extreme in some places is well regarded and would lead you to a healthier fitter life overall.
// Looking for more books to read and enjoy?
Feel free to check out my top 30 Personal Development books in the below link that I truly believe will change your life.

*Some links above are Affiliate book links should you purchase from Amazon