How I Make Money Online UK with these TRIED and TESTED Methods
As a Busy Mum, the hardest guilt to face can be returning back to work full time when your heart and soul might be wanting to stay at home with your children but still need to contribute to the household finances?
Or perhaps you are stressed and overwhelmed with crippling DEBT and you desperately need another way to bring in income to your house to get that DEBT lock out and gone for good?
It can feel that there are no options out there that would allow you to balance life and work the hours you dictate, but I’m here to tell you my tried and tested methods to make money at home which can easily add up to a full time wage if you put in the effort and time.
I’m here to share with you my current Working from Home methods that you can put into action today and start to bring in an income to your family too.
// Tried and Tested Method 1 – Matching Betting
Mаtched bеtting (also known as double bеtting as you bet on all outcomes in the same event, usually Football/Horse Races/Popular events) is a bеtting technique used by individuals to profit from the free bets and incentives offered by bookmakers.
It is generally considered risk-free as it is based on the application of a mathematical equation rather than chance. Matched Betting is not against any laws in the UK, however Book makers do not like it when their customers can guarantee a profit regardless of an event outcome, so if they believe you are match betting they will “GUB” your account.
This means they will close down your account for any further promotions and will very rarely allow you take part again in any events.
To start considering Matched Betting, and I made approximately £2500 profits during a 7 month period over the 2016 with it, you will need a small cash fund of around £50 to start you off but you will soon be able to reinvest only winnings back into your bets and take that original float out again.
The site I have used in the past is Profit Accumulator, where they update daily all the latest Bookmaker deals and potential events that qualify for free bets and even some extra promotions like Casino deals. They charge a monthly fee to use their services starting at £17.99 a month.
Profit Accumulator also will provide you with the necessary online calculator tools to allow you to place your backing and offsetting bets on the same event, meaning all you need to do is actually place the bets and keep track of your winnings post events concluding.
// Tried and Tested Method 2 – Online Surveys
Online surveys are a great way to make some money in your spare time, swapping your usual mindless “Facebook or Instagram Scroll” for something profitable.
Simply sign up and fill out as much detail about your lifef style and household as possible, and the survey site will match you to available surveys.
When you fill out a survey, usually taking between 10-15 mins of effort, you receive points and those points can be turned into Vouchers for Amazon or other Shopping vouchers.
Some of the best in the UK to join are, MySurveys and ValuedOpinions.
// Tried and Tested Method 3 – Create an Etsy Store with your Homemade or Digital Items
One of my Favourite and Simplest ways to Start a business online is to sell your Creations or Digital Designs online through Etsy, which is an online store front similar to Ebay but exclusively for Home made items and highly favoured by women shoppers in particular.

My example above was created using, my favourite online publishing tool, and I simply saved my designs as PDF versions; created Thumbnail photos of what they would look like printed out using stock photos and PhotoShop; and there you go!
TOP TIP – If you are starting out with an Etsy Store, consider using Digital Download products where the end customer prints off your designs straight at home.
Benefits for you are no postage or production costs of the items, but also refund chances will be slim or none.
ANOTHER TOP TIP – Aim for 35-50 items on your Etsy Store overall,
MAX out your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for key words that people could be searching for when they are looking for similar products and then you have more chances of being found.
Try to pick content areas where competition is lower, OR at the very least do some research and find out suitable competitive pricing for your items before you hit that publish button.
Etsy will charge you a small fee (Around £0.50 each listing for 3 months) so there will be a very small start up and on-going charge to have your store managed online by Etsy.
DON’T WANT ANY COSTS? You can overcome this of course by considering setting up your own Woo-commerce store on your website or blog.
// Tried and Tested Method 4 – Set up a Shopify Store on your blog or website
Similar to having your own Etsy Store, I have also set up my own Shopify Store which sells custom made Science Technology Engineering Maths (STEM) inspiring clothing range for Adults and Children called
This business idea will take a little more effort and website design knowledge than my Etsy Store example, as you will have to purchase your own suitable domain name or use a Blog domain already, then install the Shopify App onto your WordPress site, decide on how you will fulfill your products (Drop shipper or Warehouse/purchasing online then shipping to customer); and managing any customer experience issues.
This took me around 30-40 hours of hard work from designing suitable logos, researching suitable Drop Ship Printers in the UK to use (you link your Shopify Store to the Drop Ship Printer directly so that it is all integrated for the customer – they click and buy and the order goes straight to the printer to produce and send to them).
There is also the maintenance side of keeping up a Shopify or Website Store in that you need to ensure your supplier has stock to fulfill any orders placed, you need to track orders where possible should customers reach out to you for delivery information, and then deal with any returns of physical items.
Shopify will charge you a percentage cost against all sales for their services of the platform as well as a Monthly access fee depending on what level of service you wish from them. Typically this can be around £7 charge per monthly for the services, then 2.5% charge per sale.
// Tried and Tested Method 5 – Selling your Virtual Services
Think outside the box and any talents you might have hidden that someone would be willing to pay for, and even your talents as a parent could come in handy here!
Outsourcing admin tasks such as PA/VA, Social Media Management, Book-keeping and Design work are hugely popular and sites such as allow you to post up your job offerings for a set small amount and bid for work.
Usually these sites work by having you bid on small one off projects in the hope that you can build a client and life long customer to your brand, and typically this can be anything where someone would like to pay to take the hassle away from themselves. This can quickly turn a small one off project into a full time wage working the hours that suit you as it is all virtually supported between you and the customer.
// Tried and Tested Method 6 – Start a Blog or Youtube Channel
Another great and simple way to start to make some money online is by CREATING.
Are you passionate about a particular hobby or topic? For example, my website started as all about my general ramblings as a Mother and quickly has turned into Financial Advice, Business Tutorials and tips and helping others live their dream lives with Financial Freedom.
My hobby also used my love of Youtube, and now I support my Blog with my Youtube channel too – you really must subscribe if you haven’t checked it out yet!
You can monetize your blog or Youtube Channel in a few ways:
- Add Affiliate Links to products you use/review/love on Amazon – you are paid a very small commission for every click and purchase through
- Promote Products for a Fee – Ads or Sponsored Posts/Videos
- Be part of a Blog or Video Network – the network will take a percentage of your profits for promoting you though on their website and to their customers
- Create your own Products/Ebooks/Courses digitally or physical products to Sell on your site or via your Channel
- If you reach 4000 Youtube hours watch time AND 1k Subscribers you will be eligible for Youtube AdSense Revenue on your videos – you receive a small profit for each advert shown on your Youtube channel.
Having your own brand or Blog/Youtube Channel requires commitment and dedication to making quality content that your audience love, trying to make sure you get as many new Eyes on your content regularly, and not a great rich quick system.
But if you have a passion to tell the world, and enjoy helping others – it is a great place to start a side income in the hope it could lead into something more.
Your ongoing costs will be a Monthly or Yearly website domain hosting cost, usually around £2.99-9.99 depending on the provider, a URL Domain ideally starting at £0.99-£££, a Camera or Phone to record videos if you wish and patience.
// Tried and Tested Method 7 – Networking Marketing business
Finally, Network Marketing is a super quick route into having a work from home income, but usually require a Starter Business Pack to be purchased so be sure you understand and are confident with the business you choose first before committing.
Network Marketing includes any company where the Sales Person makes commission from selling products that are not available on the High Street normally and receives part of the profits. The objective to growing a real business is to also grown your distribution of fellow Sales People working with you (or your team) and then you will also gain a percentage profit from those you encourage into the business and help develop.
Companies such as Arbonne, Mary Kay, Herbalife etc all fall under the Networking Marketing catagory.
Usually the time commitment required to make any decent money is around 15-20 hours a week of Face to Face meetings with customers/potential Team members and usually takes around 1-4 years to gain a full time wage income if you continue to grow and work hard.
Not something for everyone, but an option if you are struggling to think of your own entry into the business world.
Are you overwhelmed with Debt and don’t feel there is a way out of endless monthly payments taking all your money?
Do You feel Trapped Working Full Time when you long to be at Home with the Children instead?
Not enough money left over each month or barely enough to last you post the few few weeks?
With my Tried and Tested Principles, we can change your financial life around completely in just 1 week.
One thought on “Work from HOME Jobs Ideas for Busy Moms Mums ¦ How I Make Money Online UK”
There are some great ideas here. A good compilation x