How does our family eat well on roughly £60 a week as a family of four? Food Budgeting can be the one area of anyone’s household budget that can run away with them and really add up quickly. I swear by Meal Planning in order to eat healthy as a […]
smarter shopping
What is the best way to invest £1000? One of the building blocks of achieving financial security is learning how to get the maximum return for their money, that way for all amounts of money you receive you know where you can confidently place it. In this post, I’m going […]
One of the building blocks of achieving financial security is owning your own home, that way even if nothing else you know you are safe and comfortable regardless of what else life might have in store for you. The world of mortgages and the many different terms thrown about can […]
Investing in your future with our time and our money is one of the most fundamental skills we can learn as we progress in life. Often people are concerned with the term “investing” and feel too overwhelmed with what it could involve and the potential risks/wins of investing – but […]
I swear by Meal Planning in order to eat healthy as a family but also to make sure we live within our household food budget each month, allowing us extra money for treats as a family instead. Want to know why I Meal plan for my family of 4 each […]
When people think of a life changing amount of money, often our minds go straight to the thought of suddenly becoming a Millionaire and how that would bring the freedom from most of our responsibilities right now overnight. In reality most people believe it is only possible to become a […]
I’m excited to share in this post 7 Passive Income Ideas that anyone can try today – why not see if any of them excite you to give them a go too? Achieving financial security and freedom with your money really is all about focusing on moving from exchanging your […]
I swear by Meal Planning in order to eat healthy as a family but also to make sure we live within our household food budget each month, allowing us extra money for treats as a family instead. Want to know why I Meal plan for my family of 4 each […]
One of the most fundamental ways you can revolutionise and turn around your financial habits and status is by switching from paying by cards/Apple Pay all the time to handling as much of your life as possible in cash. If you have ever heard of the “Cash Envelopes System” mentioned […]
**Capital at risk with pensions** Pensions in the UK seem to be the one topic that you either are passionate about, or pretend to ignore and put your head in the sand believing that the “Government State Pension” will allow you to live life comfortable in those far away years […]