The Master Money Blueprint is OUT NOW!

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Thank you for helping me achieve my goal to write a book that will help change people’s lives!

One of my major life goals is to write a book all about the topics I cover on my blog and channel, about Money management and achieving Financial & Time Freedom.

My first book is now OUT TO BUY OR RENT on Amazon Kindle Store exclusively titled “The Master Money Blueprint“.

Your mindset and daily actions are your greatest tool to create the life you want today and in the future, and through sharing 25 practical principles I believe I can help you change your life and money relationship forever.

I really hope you love it as much as I do, and I’m excited to help in more ways in 2019.

If you do fancy picking up a copy, you can get it here: (aff link)

Currently only on Ebook version, and if any publishers wish to pick it up – send them my way!

Let’s make 2019 our best year together!

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Past Book Club Selections


Want to see past book selections?

[display-posts category=”book club” include_excerpt=”true” excerpt_length=”20″ excerpt_more=”Read More” excerpt_more_link=”true” image_size=”medium” wrapper=”div”]

Got a suggestion for our next book?  

Leave us a comment in the Mamafurfur Facebook group of your suggestion, and we might just use it next month.

Get your copy here

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How does the Mamafurfur Book Club work?

Simply purchase a copy of the book in whatever format you like, Audio/Print/E-book, and start to read and enjoy.

Be sure to join the Mamafurfur Facebook Group though, where you will always see a post relating to the Book Club selection right at the top.

You can also tweet your comment to us on Twitter @mamafurfur using the hashtag #mamafurfurbookclub

Read the book?  Leave a comment on that thread during the month and share your thoughts with others.

productivity tips, productivity tutorials, business, balanced life, schedules, #worklifebalance #productivity #productive[display-posts category=”book club” include_excerpt=”true” excerpt_length=”20″ excerpt_more=”Read More” excerpt_more_link=”true” image_size=”medium” wrapper=”div”]

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