Want to see past book selections?
[display-posts category=”book club” include_excerpt=”true” excerpt_length=”20″ excerpt_more=”Read More” excerpt_more_link=”true” image_size=”medium” wrapper=”div”]
Got a suggestion for our next book?
Leave us a comment in the Mamafurfur Facebook group of your suggestion, and we might just use it next month.
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How does the Mamafurfur Book Club work?
Simply purchase a copy of the book in whatever format you like, Audio/Print/E-book, and start to read and enjoy.
Be sure to join the Mamafurfur Facebook Group though, where you will always see a post relating to the Book Club selection right at the top.
You can also tweet your comment to us on Twitter @mamafurfur using the hashtag #mamafurfurbookclub
Read the book? Leave a comment on that thread during the month and share your thoughts with others.