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14 days to a Better You – Day 10

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Day 10 already folks…another day under my belt and successful one I would like to say!

Last night on Day 9 managed to sneak in another Gym session post little dude off to bed, which I am really enjoying.  My stable routine involves rowing, HIIT, kettle bells but now my Sister & I have branched out into the weigh lifting machines with all the other folks.  What a great feeling to use some of these scary looking equipment and find them useful to!

We particular enjoy the Assisted Dips machine and stomach crunches – basically these just seem to work our arms and stomachs and compliment the kettle bells session we do to end our workout.  My tummy muscles have been hurting so guess that means it is working!  My stomach is without doubt flatter and feeling more toned  – all the commitment is paying off…I can feel it.

Yesterday Hubbie also decided to take me on at getting the fastest time at our upcoming JogScotland 5km in August – and he went for this first jog of the year.  He managed to get 4.3km odd in 30 mins (which is very good).  It was lovely to think we are both aiming to achieve something for ourselves individually but also together as a couple.  I have no problem with a little healthy competition 🙂

So to keep up with my 14 days of trying my best to get fitter, I went for a road run during my lunch break too.  I managed 3.7km in 30 mins, which is quite slow but I really struggled with my shins & calves hurting from running on pavement.  Hubbie is going to try and see what products I can get to help this out, so watch this space.  Overall felt good doing that today with the wind and rain against my face in the Scottish weather – and it felt like I could enjoy nature at the same time and get fitter.  Loved it!  I aim to try and do that again on Friday this week at least.

Food wise I have been good too – sticking off chocolate & crisps and naughty stuff, and today I took little dude to do our mid-week top up shop and filled the trolley only with good things such as more veg, more fruit, some grains and fancy things to try out the various nuts/cereal/healthy foods aisle.  Happy to review how I get on thinking about various ideas over the next few days…..

Also picked up a few tips on healthy balanced eating based loosely on how Diabetics manage their blood sugar levels all day.  That is the secret to not having those temptations hit you at 3pm each day for a chocolate bar.  Let me read up about it a little and share you with you soon….

Another good successful day, and here’s to a few more now 🙂

Love MFF xx