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Family Kindness Elves: 1st December

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Today is the first day of my Advent long “Family Kindness” daily challenges, where each day of Advent a new thoughtful idea for doing something kind to others around us will be our task.

On the 1st December, today’s task is to “Surprise Someone with a Gift”.

My husband and I chose to surprise a few people actually who do so much for us selflessly.  Firstly, we are very lucky to have my Mum & Dad (Grandparents) care for our little Dude whilst we work and earn money to live (in whatever forms that is at the moment).  Yesterday I noticed my Mum had brought some Christmas DVDs along with her for the kids (she watches my Sister’s children as well, crazy lady!) during the lead up to the festive season.  But there was definitely a few classics missing from the pile of DVDs, so we surprised her with some brand new ones – much to her delight and the kids too.  They are now all set for the days ahead and fun times.

This surprise came hand in hand, as I took time off work and surprised her with an “early finish” and arrived to pick up Little dude after lunch instead of the usual dinner time finish.  This meant that my Mum & Dad could have a date night tonight and enjoy themselves.

However, what I didn’t expect was that my thoughtful wonderful husband decided to surprise me with a gift for today too, of some jewellery.  I know right!!  What more can I girl want, especially when my hope is to be less materialistic during the festive season.  So I will wear it with extra thanks now.  He is wonderful to me.

May the first of December bring you an exciting day, and if you wish to use our ideas for your own family kindness daily tasks, please do and let me know how you get on.

Love MFF xx

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